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In Case You Missed It ...
August 31, 2024 | Posted In: Election Updates

Another win for safe and secure elections.

On Aug. 28, the Michigan Supreme Court affirmed the Secretary of State's authority to issue poll challenger guidelines to the state’s 1,600 clerks. By a 4-3 vote, the high court reversed two lower court decisions. Following the announcement of the ruling, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson released the following statement:

"I’m grateful to the Michigan Supreme Court for recognizing this department’s legal responsibility to issue guidelines to clerks. As Michigan’s chief elections officer, the authority provided by the Legislature to issue uniform guidance to more than 1,600 clerks throughout the state is necessary to ensure every eligible voter can cast their ballot, while maintaining the security of our elections and the safety of our polling places.

"As our guidance has consistently made clear, challengers have a right to participate in the election process and they play an important role. But election officials have a responsibility to maintain order in the polling place and ensure voters can cast a ballot without interference. This clarity will help election officials, poll workers, challengers, and voters alike as we prepare for the November General Election and beyond. As always, we are committed to following the law as we administer accessible, secure, and transparent elections for Michigan citizens."

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