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Sen. Bernie Sanders: Who really has the radical agenda
September 8, 2024 | Posted In: Election Updates

A massive operation to detain and deport undocumented immigrants. A purge of the federal workforce of anyone deemed disloyal. Wielding the power of federal law enforcement against political enemies.

As he seeks a return to power, former President Donald Trump and his allies are promising a sweeping transformation of the federal government that would wield the executive branch’s power in radical and unprecedented ways.

But if you listen to Trump, turn on Fox News, or follow any Republican on social media, you will hear or see the constant claim that Kamala Harris is even more "radical" and more "far left" than Bernie Sanders.


Let me simply say, for better or for worse, Kamala Harris is not more progressive than I am.

It is always hard to respond to Trump’s lies because, a day later, his lies become even more preposterous. But, as we come together to defeat Trump and elect the Vice President, let me just remind you of one simple fact:

The so-called "radical" and “far left” agenda that we are fighting for is, in poll after poll, far more popular than Donald Trump, more popular than the Republican Party, and it is supported by a strong majority of the American people, including Republicans and Independents.

When Trump, Republicans, and even some members of the corporate media try to scare you with words like "radical" and "far left" it's important to understand what those policies actually mean and to know that these “radical” ideas are already in place in many countries around the world.

When we talk about guaranteeing healthcare as a right for all our people, we're talking about the ability to get the healthcare you and your loved ones need without fear of going bankrupt. We're talking about the ability to change jobs without fear of losing your healthcare.

When we talk about paid family and medical leave, we're talking about being able to spend the first few months with your newborn child without rushing back to work the next week, and we're talking about being able to care for a loved-one who is sick without having to worry about missing a paycheck.

When we talk about tuition-free college, we're talking about the ability to get an education without having to leave school with crushing debt. We're talking about the ability to start a business and create jobs without having to worry about decades of student loan payments.

When we talk about a "Green New Deal," we're talking about a planet that is habitable for future generations — with less drought, famine, floods, extreme weather disturbances, disease, and human suffering.

When we talk about raising the minimum wage, we're talking about people not having to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet for their families.

When we talk about expanding Medicare to cover dental, hearing, and vision, we're talking about our seniors being able to chew the food they eat, listen to the sound of their loved ones' voices, and see the world around them.

When we talk about passing the PRO Act, we're talking about giving working people a greater voice on the job to negotiate better pay and benefits for them and their families. We're talking about people just trying to make a living while CEOs are making a killing.

When we talk about letting the government negotiate the price of prescription drugs, we're talking about making sure people can afford the lifesaving medicine they need without having to choose between their health and food or utilities.

When we talk about overturning Citizens United, we're talking about making it so the wealthiest people and corporations in this country do not have the ability to buy our elections and our democracy.

When we talk about strengthening public education, we are talking about the ability to make sure that all of our children, regardless of income, get the education they need to prepare themselves for the future.

When we talk about strengthening and expanding Social Security, we're talking about making sure all of our seniors can retire and live out their lives with dignity.

And when we talk about making sure the wealthy pay their fair share, we are simply saying that it is time we have a government and an economy that works for everyone in this country, not just the top 1 percent. It’s time that we dealt with the unprecedented level of income and wealth that we are currently experiencing.

That is NOT a radical agenda.

The Republican Party and Donald Trump: More tax breaks to billionaires, budgets to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, letting polluters destroy our planet, letting drug companies charge whatever they want for medicine...

That is radical.

By Sen. Bernie Sanders

© 2025 Otsego County Democratic Party - P.O. Box 1541, Gaylord, MI 49734