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Michigan's Judicial System Is Under Attack
October 1, 2024 | Posted In: Election Updates

Powerful corporate interests, including the insurance industry, are trying to buy the Michigan Supreme Court by pouring millions of dollars into this year’s elections. They want to stack the court with two right-wing extremists who will prioritize profits over people. But we can stop them by electing justices who will stand up to the corporate interests, and protect our rights, and keep Michigan’s judicial system fair and independent.

Justice Kyra Harris Bolden and Kimberly Ann Thomas are two highly qualified, deeply committed candidates for the Michigan Supreme Court, who are standing strong for justice, fairness, and the rights of ordinary Michiganders.

We know the kind of judges convicted felon Donald Trump likes to support--we don’t need his MAGA majority here in Michigan. We deserve to have a court that works for everyone--not just the wealthy and well-connected.

Justice Kyra Harris Bolden has been a champion of fairness, equality, and justice throughout her career. A strong advocate for civil rights, her proven track record makes her an invaluable asset to our judiciary. Justice Bolden also has a deep understanding of the law and in the year-and-a-half that she has served on the court, she has authored eight majority opinions.

Kimberly Thomas, candidate for Michigan Supreme Court, has dedicated her career to the rule of law ensuring citizens have equal access to justice, including representing low-income Michiganders in court, and pursuing commonsense bipartisan policies to strengthen the state’s judicial system. Her vision for the state Supreme Court sees all Michiganders as equals.

We can’t afford to let our hard-won progress be undone. In 2022, millions of Michiganders went to the polls to send a message to Trump and other far-right extremists coming after our fundamental freedoms--enshrining the right to abortion in our state’s constitution and giving Democrats full control of the state legislature, which allowed us to overturn an extreme abortion ban that had been on the books since 1931.

This issue transcends partisan politics because voters know that abortion rights aren’t about left or right, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican. They’re about our values.

People want the freedom to choose when and how to start a family without a politician telling them what they can or can’t do. And they want the freedom to make their own decisions about their bodies without the government interfering in some of the most personal choices someone can make.

Together, we can secure a judiciary that reflects our shared values and ensures justice for everyone. And when filling out your ballot, even if you vote straight party, you must go the separate nonpartisan section (usually on the reverse side) to vote for Kyra Harris Bolden and Kimberly Ann Thomas.

Let’s elect these two outstanding candidates to our state’s highest court to help secure a brighter, fairer future for Michigan.

© 2025 Otsego County Democratic Party - P.O. Box 1541, Gaylord, MI 49734