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Otsego County Democrats Award College Scholarship
June 5, 2024 | Posted In: OCDP News

Hannah Pewinski, a senior at Johannesburg-Lewiston High School, is this year’s recipient of a $1,000 college scholarship from the Otsego County Democratic Party. Each student who wrote an essay was asked to complete “The world would be a better place if ….” Hannah began her essay: “The world would be a better place if everyone practiced empathy, compassion, and kindness towards one another, regardless of differences and upbringings.”

Hannah is the daughter of Jennifer and George Pewinski and will be enrolling in the College of Pharmacy program at Ferris State University in the fall. She also was named salutatorian for the class of 2024. She has participated in Odyssey of the Mind, the creative problem-solving competition for students of all ages for the past 11 years and, as a member of the National Honors Society, Hannah has completed more than 100 hours of service to her community. She is a member of her school’s quiz bowl team and also competes in the discus and shot put for the girl’s track and field team. Hannah enjoys music and plays the guitar and ukulele.

This year’s scholarship winner was honored at a special reception at the Otsego County Public Library on May 29, and received her award during the school’s Senior Awards program, which was held June 4.

The Otsego County Democratic Party awards this annual scholarship to help area students further their higher education goals. Students must be a high school senior residing in and attending one of the four high schools in Otsego County: Gaylord, Johannesburg-Lewiston, St. Mary Cathedral and Vanderbilt Area.

Vicki Blaauw, vice chair of the Otsego County Democratic Party, presents a $1,000 college scholarship award to Hannah Pewinski, winner of this year's graduating senior essay competition. Hannah attends Johannesburg-Lewiston High School.
© 2025 Otsego County Democratic Party - P.O. Box 1541, Gaylord, MI 49734